The best way to lose weight fast is looked for by many aspiring dieters. Countless weight loss programs are available and you can chose from all sorts of approaches and concepts of how to lose weight. The WHO itself has released guideline on what makes a good diet. There is a list available, displayed in a graphical pyramid that shows which food types we ought to prefer and how much of those we consume for best health results.
One cannot but wonder why it is that even though even children get to learn about this pyramid in school we are faced with mass obesity in most every Western Country that adheres to this standard diet. While it can be argued whether or not people really follow these guide lines we are devoted to thinking positively and assume many people do. How is it that following guidelines the WHO has released results in obesity? We trust them to get their thinking and arguments for the chosen foods right, they are the WHO after all!
Following this line of argumentation gets us to assume that the suggested foods themselves obviously do not supply our bodies with the nutrition we need. The problem is not that the foods themselves are wrong or that we eat bigger portions than we need to. It´s that they are depleted from nutrition.
The best way to lose weight fast is to choose from food suppliers that have made it their objective to grow food in a way that keeps the nutrition we so desperately need alive. Once we decide to buy exclusively from farmers who grow their plants in an ecologically sound fashion, farm organically and raise their livestock accordingly we have a real chance to lose weight easily and quickly.
Once we start eating nutrition rich foods and satisfy our bodily needs for vitamins, enzymes and minerals we cannot but lose weight quickly. If you think about how the way of farming has changed over the last decades you will find that the trend has developed towards producing grains faster and faster. In order to achieve this farmes add growth homones and tons of chemical substances to the soil. As a consequence the harvest is rich, grain can be brought to the market easily and plentiful and farmes see good revenue.
That their grain is depleted from any nutrions and loaded with toxins is not that much of concern as it seems. I am confident though that awareness among farmers will grow. The less people keep buying their grain, vegetables and dairy and opt for what is available in health food stores the more their profit margins will crumble and inevitably lead them to rethink the way they farm. They cannot but start growing foods that are richer in nutrition.
What we can do to take a direct influence is to choose nutrition rich products as they are offered in health food stores. For those of you who consider them to be more expensive compared to what is offered in super markets: yes, they are. But think about it! Since you will need less food in order to feel sated and well you will buy less and consequently even safe money.
Changing the way you shop and decide on nutrition rich foods is by far an easy way to lose weight. Looking at our biological design I dare say it is pretty much the only approach that offers lasting success and zero struggle, which both are a neccessity to keep spirits and motivation high. As long as weight loss is associated with struggle, deprivation and hardship we will keep having programs, centers, pills, surgeries and such in order to tame excess weight. Losing weight though as a byproduct of improved health makes it taking place naturally and quickly.